For thoes of you who don’t know, Homegrown is a week long music festival here in Duluth, featuring some (if not all) of the best the northland has to offer in music and art. I was only able to catch one set of this awesome week, and that was Philip of Nazareth, at the Duluth Playground. I know all of the guys in the band, and have even played in various bands with most of them! It was an awesome show, everyone who was in attendance were friends and we all had a blast.
The crowd even got in on the fun!
Homegrown is an awesome festival, I will be attending a lot more of the shows next year. The Current did an awesome radio Documentary on the Duluth Music scene, it’s a great listen. Click here to check it out.
That’s all for now. It’s the busy season now so keep your eye for a lot more posts, and thanks for checking out the post!
– Max