On July 17th, Troy and I shot the Helbacka-Peterson wedding, it was long, hot, and a lot of work. But it was also AWESOME! Image wise, I feel Troy and Myself did a personal best. We shot with 3 cameras total and ended up with over 30 gigs of images. I don’t think I’ve ever had this many ‘blog worthy’ shots (way more than I could possibly blog). It was at beautiful Leif Erickson park in Duluth. We all got really lucky with the weather, and missed out on any rain. We did a lot of shooting of the bride and groom before the wedding, and just like the engagement session, Jessie and Matthias we’re awesome to work with. I sure do hope whenever they get to making babies that they let us snap some pics of the little buggers. 🙂
like ususal, there are more on my flickr.
ps. I moved my blog from tumblr to wordpress, you can still view my old blog but all new posts will be here (http://maxcaven.com/blog/)